Idea - определение. Что такое Idea
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Что (кто) такое Idea - определение

Найдено результатов: 277
  • lightbulb]] is often used to represent a person having a ''bright'' ''idea''.
  • "Modern Book Printing" from the [[Walk of Ideas]]
Internet Design, Engineering, and Analysis notes (Reference: IETF)
  • lightbulb]] is often used to represent a person having a ''bright'' ''idea''.
  • "Modern Book Printing" from the [[Walk of Ideas]]
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
An idea is a plan, suggestion, or possible course of action.
It's a good idea to plan ahead...
I really like the idea of helping people...
She told me she'd had a brilliant idea.
N-COUNT: oft adj N, N to-inf, N of n/-ing
An idea is an opinion or belief about what something is like or should be like.
Some of his ideas about democracy are entirely his own.
...the idea that reading too many books ruins your eyes...
= notion
N-COUNT: usu N about/on/of n, N that
If someone gives you an idea of something, they give you information about it without being very exact or giving a lot of detail.
This table will give you some idea of how levels of ability can be measured...
If you cannot remember the exact date give a rough idea of when it was.
N-SING: N of n/wh
If you have an idea of something, you know about it to some extent.
No one has any real idea how much the company will make next year.
N-SING: with supp
If you have an idea that something is the case, you think that it may be the case, although you are not certain.
I had an idea that he joined the army later, but I may be wrong.
N-SING: N that [vagueness]
The idea of an action or activity is its aim or purpose.
The idea is to encourage people to get to know their neighbours.
= objective
N-SING: the N
If you have the idea of doing something, you intend to do it.
He sent for a number of books he admired with the idea of re-reading them...
= intention
N-COUNT: N of -ing/n
You can use idea in expressions such as I've no idea or I haven't the faintest idea to emphasize that you do not know something.
'Is she coming by coach?'-'Well I've no idea.'
= notion
N-SING: with brd-neg [emphasis]
If someone gets the idea, they understand how to do something or they understand what you are telling them. (INFORMAL)
It isn't too difficult once you get the idea...
PHRASE: V inflects
  • lightbulb]] is often used to represent a person having a ''bright'' ''idea''.
  • "Modern Book Printing" from the [[Walk of Ideas]]
1) to get, hit upon an idea
2) to develop; entertain, toy with an idea
3) to communicate, disseminate ideas; to market, package an idea
4) to implement an idea
5) to endorse, favor an idea
6) to dismiss, reject an idea
7) a bright, brilliant, clever, ingenious; logical idea
8) an absurd, crazy, fantastic, far-fetched; desperate; silly, stupid; strange idea
9) a fresh, new, novel idea
10) a daring; grandiose idea
11) an old, outmoded, stale, warmed-over idea
12) an approximate, rough; clear; fixed; general; main; vague idea
13) the faintest, slightest idea (she didn't have the faintest idea of what I meant)
14) the idea that + clause (I had no idea that she would attend the meeting)
15) (misc.) he didn't get the idea ('he did not understand')
  • lightbulb]] is often used to represent a person having a ''bright'' ''idea''.
  • "Modern Book Printing" from the [[Walk of Ideas]]
¦ noun
1. a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.
a mental impression.
a belief.
2. (the idea) the aim or purpose of an action.
3. Philosophy (in Platonic thought) an eternally existing pattern of which individual things in any class are imperfect copies.
(in Kantian thought) a concept of pure reason, not empirically based in experience.
get (or give someone) ideas informal become (or make someone) ambitious, conceited, or tempted to do something.
have no idea informal not know at all.
that's the idea informal that's right.
the very idea! informal an exclamation of disapproval or disagreement.
ME: via L. from Gk idea 'form, pattern', from the base of idein 'to see'.
  • lightbulb]] is often used to represent a person having a ''bright'' ''idea''.
  • "Modern Book Printing" from the [[Walk of Ideas]]
[In the Platonic philosophy.] Archetype (conceived of as existing from eternity), pattern, model, exemplar, form, essence (common to many individual things and represented by a general term), creative or self-active ideal.
[In the Kantian philosophy.] Supreme principle of pure reason, regulative first principle, highest unitary principle of thought. [There are three such, the Self, the Cosmic Force, and God.]
[In the Hegelian philosophy.] Supreme principle, the Absolute, the Self-existent, as the unity of subject and object, God.
Universal concept, conception, notion, general or universal conception.
Object of thought, image in the mind, mental representation of an object, image in reflection, memory, or imagination.
Impression, apprehension, thought, fancy, conceit.
Opinion, belief, supposition, judgment, sentiment.
Guiding conception, organizing conception, formative notion, regulative principle.
  • lightbulb]] is often used to represent a person having a ''bright'' ''idea''.
  • "Modern Book Printing" from the [[Walk of Ideas]]
In common usage and in philosophy, ideas are the results of thought. Also in philosophy, ideas can also be mental representational images of some object.
Idea (disambiguation)         

An idea is an image existing or formed in the mind.

Idea or IDEA or similar may also refer to:

  • lightbulb]] is often used to represent a person having a ''bright'' ''idea''.
  • "Modern Book Printing" from the [[Walk of Ideas]]
1. <language> Interactive Data Entry/Access. 2. <algorithm> International Data Encryption Algorithm. (1996-02-16)
  • lightbulb]] is often used to represent a person having a ''bright'' ''idea''.
  • "Modern Book Printing" from the [[Walk of Ideas]]
·noun A plan or purpose of action; intention; design.
II. Idea ·noun A general notion, or a conception formed by generalization.
III. Idea ·noun A belief, option, or doctrine; a characteristic or controlling principle; as, an essential idea; the idea of development.
IV. Idea ·noun Hence: Any object apprehended, conceived, or thought of, by the mind; a notion, conception, or thought; the real object that is conceived or thought of.
V. Idea ·noun The transcript, image, or picture of a visible object, that is formed by the mind; also, a similar image of any object whatever, whether sensible or spiritual.
VI. Idea ·noun A rational conception; the complete conception of an object when thought of in all its essential elements or constituents; the necessary metaphysical or constituent attributes and relations, when conceived in the abstract.
VII. Idea ·noun A fiction object or picture created by the imagination; the same when proposed as a pattern to be copied, or a standard to be reached; one of the archetypes or patterns of created things, conceived by the Platonists to have excited objectively from eternity in the mind of the Deity.
  • lightbulb]] is often used to represent a person having a ''bright'' ''idea''.
  • "Modern Book Printing" from the [[Walk of Ideas]]
International Data Encryption Algorithm (Reference: cryptography)


Idea (disambiguation)

An idea is an image existing or formed in the mind.

Idea or IDEA or similar may also refer to: